White Gravel Mines Extreme 5K Adventure Run 2022
June 25, 2022 - 5:00 AM
Minford/Portsmouth, Ohio, OH - Minford, OH - 4007 White Gravel-McDaniel Rd. 5 miles north of Minford Ohio - Minford, OH

The Course: Are you ready to be EXTREME? Our adventure run with 15+ natural inspired obstacles are waiting to test your endurance and commitment to be an extremist. The 5K obstacle course through beautiful dense woods, hills and creeks are the most excruciating challenges to encounter. Acres of inclines and declining hills throughout this 5K will put your body in shock, while the dark, eerie underground Mine portion riddled with white gravel boasts an experience like no other race can. It’s the only underground race of its kind in the Tri-State area!
The Obstacles: Besides the incredible elevation changes of steep Inclines, Descents and Dips throughout the property, here are a few fun challenges that will push your muscles to their breaking point.
The Mines- 56 degrees year round, while partially lit by electric as well as more antiquated methods. Each passageway is approximately 20-30' wide and 20'+ high. It’s huge, dark and beautiful to behold as you speed through the maze inside. Other obstacles include:
Chilly Jordan- a waist deep wade through the Mines water. Did we mention it's a freezing 50 degrees?
Tame the Flame- a fire jump-over testing your leap of faith.
Pondered- ponder whether to use the rope or swim through our natural pond.
Highway to Heaven- rope-assisted grassy hill on a 45-55 degree angle for conditioning.
Devil’s Rock- a twisty, rope-assisted climb on our mine's rock face. Steady now.
Miry Clay- shimmey through a natural branch covering and end with a murky mud run.
Ditch of Doom- we don't jog through tires here...you get limber over some timbers and ditches!
Leap of Faith- lumber affixed on two trees make for a fun hurdle, right?
Mt. Zion- another rope-assisted climb to a new elevation. You can do this!
And more!
Again...our hills are the hardest challenge. The trail course itself will push you to your limits.
What more could you ask for?
Entry Fees
Participants can be Individual racers or Extreme Teams (a team name must be included when registering to be included in the team category).
••Online registration now available for teams! ONE person must register at least 6 team members to receive discounted team rate••
Individual racers: $40 Early Bird until June 18th, 2022 with guaranteed wave time and t-shirt.
Individual racers: $50 late registration from June 18th thru Race Day, with NO t-shirt guarantees.
Extreme Teams: $35 per person Early Bird ONLINE registration until June 18th, 2022 for teams of 6 or more, wave times and t-shirt guarantees.
Extreme Teams: $45 LATE ONLINE registration from June 18th thru Race Day for teams of 6 or more, with NO t-shirt guarantees.
♦Extreme Team Leader? Gather a team of 10 participants and the leader's registration fee is free!
♦♦EpiPen users, bring yours AND inform registration table. Allergies/Bee stings possible and we need to be prepared!
Age Groups
Male and Female Divisions:
10 & under, 11-17yrs, 18-24yrs, 25-31yrs, 32-38yrs, 39-45yrs, 46-52yrs, 53-59yrs, 60yrs & up.
This may be the year for our unique X medal to be yours!
We give away 68 medals to our top runners! You're extreme, YOU deserve it!
1st place medals for Male and Female: Best time overall
1st & 2nd & 3rd place medals for Male and Female: For the fastest finishers in each age division.
1st & 2nd place medals for Extreme Teams: Top 6 finishers only in each winning team receive medals.
Disqualifying runners: To keep the integrity of our 5K, we have made a decision to disqualify those that do not attempt an obstacle. This only means you will not receive a medal. Our medals are given for best running times and not completing obstacles will compromise that time. You will be marked with an X to notify us of this and it will ensure that our competing runners times will medal properly. Time penalties will be acquired. No worries to those who love the challenge and are not concerned about their time, continue on and have a blast while attempting all that you can!
Charity Information
Proceeds from this race will be donated to the White Gravel Mines Productions to provide free ministry events.
These include The Cavern of Choices, The Christmas Cave, and The Easter Cave!
More Information
Welcome Extreme Runners!
You never know what you'll get with Ohio weather, but so far it looks like 90 degrees, partly cloudy and humid. In the 5K course category, we'll just stick with EXTREME :)
Please recheck your wave time here on TriStateRacer to ensure you arrive on time.
If you are familiar with our 5K location, arrive a MINIMUM of 30 minutes before.
If you have not been to the Mines, allow more time due to possible GPS issues.
Address is 4007 White Gravel McDanie Rd
Minford, OH 45653
Upon arrival, find Pre-Registration tent to:
- pick up your leg strap timing chip
- get free t-shirt (for those who pre-registered by June 18th)
- get your before and after pictures taken near the changing tent.
- **Teams: Bring a sign to pose with, we can no longer provide thes for you as we have in the past.
A few things to know:
- The ONLY time you will ever go underneath caution tape is when you are belly crawling at the 1st obstacle-The Pit of Despair. Otherwise, if you do you will be off course (NO GOOD!). There are arrows on trees, signs and on the ground to guide you so pay attention! There are pictures posted for examples of what to look for on our Facebook page: White Gravel Mines.
- Headlamps are optional, but BUGSPRAY is highly advised. Ticks/chiggers are prominent and hopefully you will be going too fast for them to stick, but safety first!
- As always, the natural terrain and elevation changes are the biggest challenges. Plus, the newer trail has been a nice addition especially for those who want to get ahead of the pack.
- Remember: Sometimes the people in front of you are an obstacle. Be kind but figure out a way to not let them slow you down. Be kind but push through. If you aren’t competing, let those that are around you.
- You will have 4 opportunities to get a drink of waer on the course. We HIGHLY recommend you take advantage of these with the heat that is predicted.
- You will swim through the pond (a floating rope and lifeguard will be there). It is more shallow towards the back of the pond if you prefer to go that route. You will wade through the Chilly Jordan inside the mines at the end of the course, which means 2 things. 1.) You WILL get muddy at the 1st obstacle-The Pit of Despair. 2.) You will finish cleaner :)
- Choose your shoes wisely, our natural mud pits have sucked many shoes off in the past. Also, many have found gloves are helpful with the rope assisted areas.
- There will be a tent for changing clothes.
- Bring an EpiPen if that applies to you.
- There are volunteers on 4-wheelers and on foot all along the course to help.
Unfortunately, Brothers All-American Barbecue are not able to come to this yea's event. But one of our wonderful volunteers will have hotdogs, lemonade and snow cones available to purchase while they last.
Again, we love our runners! This event's proceeds help keep our eventsfree to the public. We appreciate your enthusiasm and determination to push yourselves to complete our course. We are here for you and hope you have an EXTREMELY wild time!
Photos of runners will be posted to our website @ whitegravelmines.com
***See WGM Adventures on Facebook for family friendly activities at the Mines!
Contact The Race Director
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