AMB 2015 5K Fox Trot Run and Kit Dash
September 27, 2015 - 12:00 AM
University of Rio Grande - Rio Grande, OH

Join us for a run, walk, stroll or trot through the beautiful grounds of the Village of Rio Grande, The University of Rio Grande and historic Bob Evans Farm.
Entry Fees
5K: $35
Kit Dash (10 and under): $5 (online and race day)
Register at
Age Groups
10 & Under Kit Dash Run 11-14 years 15-19 years 20-29 years 30-39 years 40-49 years 50-59 years 60+ years
Shirts & Goodie Bags for first 100 registrants. Awards for top male & female runners in each group.
Charity Information
More Information
The Alpha Mu Beta Alumni 5K Fox Trot benefits our newly established Lorie Neal Scholarship Fund. Named for our sister and supporter of Gallia County and URG. For information and sponsorship details visit:
Register at
Contact The Race Director
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