Mission M-Possible 5k Run & Walk
May 9, 2015 - 12:00 AM
Ritter Park - Huntington, WV

Whether you are looking to set a new PR before the summer heat rolls around or if you need a great reason to get out for a stroll---or anywhere in between, come join us for the 5th annual Mission M-Possible 5k Run & Walk. The Marshall University School of Medicine is again teaming up with Global Medical Brigades to send a group of physicians, nurses and medical students to Honduras this summer, and we need your help! All of the proceeds from the race go toward funding the trip, including medications for patients in Honduras. The race will begin at the center of Ritter Park, continue on North Blvd to the arch (7th St W), then come back along North Blvd and finish in the center of the park. The course and all miles will be well-marked. Water station will be available near the halfway mark.
Entry Fees
$15 pre-registration, $20 race day (add $5 for shirt). To pre-register, either mail in registration form or do so online at tristateracer.com
Age Groups
Great prizes including gift cards to local businesses and restaurants!
Charity Information
More Information
Note: race day registration and packet pick up starts at 7:00 AM on May 9th. Race will begin at 8:00 AM.
Contact The Race Director
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