Marching Redskins 5K
July 25, 2015 - 12:00 AM
Hurricane City Park - Hurricane, WV

This event will take place on the new Norris Trail at the Hurricane City Park. The course is fairly flat with a pass down a set of stairs. The majority of the course is paved.
Entry Fees
Pre-Registeration before July 11, 2015 is $20.
Race Day $25.
Age Groups
Awards will be given to the top male and female of each age group. 12 and under, 13-18, 19-25, 26-35, 36-50, 51-65, and 65+. Awards will also be given for top male and female overall race winners.
Charity Information
Thie race is going to the Hurricane High School Band Boosters to assist with our 2015 Competition Band Expenses. The Hurricane High School Marching Band competes in at least 6 competitions per year around the state with our Championship being held in Hershey, PA in November.
More Information
Contact The Race Director
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