Mothman 5k Run/Walk
September 19, 2015 - 12:00 AM
400 Main Street - Point Pleasant, WV

This course will take place in historical downtown Point Pleasant. In addition to Main Street, you will run through Tu-Endie-Wei State Park, which is recognized as the first battle of the Revolutionary War. Runners will also travel between the mighty Ohio River and the flood walls which are painted with beautiful murals. Runners are sure to be pleased with the sites! Afterwards, stick around for the 14th annual Mothman Festival.
Course Information:
Check in will be at the Mothman Museum at 400 Main Street. You will then walk a few blocks north to the Mason County Board of Education, where the start at line is. This walk is the perfect warm up. From the start line, you will run south on Main Street, go right into Tue-Endie-Wei State Park and run the perimeter. Then you will enter through the flood wall and run about 1 mile between the flood wall and the Ohio River. Turn around is at the end of the flood wall. You will return the way you came and finish on Main Street, a little before the museum.
Entry Fees
$20 if preregistered by September 5th (guaranteed shirt).
$25 if register day of the race.
Age Groups
12 and Under
60 and Up
Awards for first over all male and female
Medals for top two runners in each division: 12 & under, 13-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60+
Charity Information
More Information
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