White Gravel Mines Extreme Trail Run Fall 2015 "The Extreme Heroes 5k"
August 29, 2015 - 12:00 AM
Minford/Portsmouth, Ohio, OH - Minford, OH - 4298 White Gravel-McDaniel Rd. 5 miles north of Minford Ohio - Minford, OH

Honoring our country’s first responders, servicemen, and other extreme heroes, this course will push your abilities to the limit. Those that serve, sacrifice and protect you in our communities will visually be highlighted on our 5K’s rugged terrain for our fall trail run. This course will tribute the true Extreme Heroes of our nation and will inspire you to meditate on their strength and sacrifices in service as you endure the physical and mental pain from the drastic temperature and elevation changes on the White Gravel Mines property.
The Course: Our trail run with fourteen mostly natural obstacles are waiting to test your endurance and commitment to be an extremist. The 5K course through to beautiful dense woods, hills and creeks are the most excruciating obstacles to encounter. Acres of inclines and declining hills throughout this 5K will put your body in shock, while the dark, eerie underground Mine portion riddled with white gravel boasts an experience like no other race can. It’s the only underground race of its kind in the Tri-State area!
The Obstacles: Besides the incredible elevation changes of Inclines and Descents and Dips throughout the property, here are a few fun challenges that will push your muscles to their breaking point.
The Mines- a 56 degrees year round mine of white grave, partially lit by electric as well as more antiquated methods. Each passageway is approximately 20-30' wide and 20'+ high. It’s huge, dark and beautiful to behold as you speed through the maze inside. Other obstacles include:
Chilly Jordan- a waist deep wade through Mines water. Did we mention its 50 degrees?
NEW* Tame the Flame- several fire jump-overs.
NEW* Tom’s Tower- a climb, crossover, and descent inside the Mines main corridor.
Sweat Net- a handmade cargo net climb requiring great strength.
Pondered- ponder whether to swim or skim by the natural pond.
Highway to Heaven- rope assisted pull uphill on a 45-55 degree angle beast
Devil’s Descent- rope assisted twisty descent to your doom. Steady now.
Belly Bog- a crawl obstacle, uphill through a natural branch covering.
Decision Valley- an over and under pass through inconveniently placed trees.
Cross Carry- bear a rugged log on your back through the woods.
Squeeze Breeze- a small tube crawl to slow you down, but it’s a breeze!
Entry Fees
Participants can be Individual racers (register online) or Extreme Teams (register by mail).
Individual racers: $40 Early Bird until August 22, 2015, with guaranteed wave time and t-shirt.
Individual racers: $50 registration on Aug 23 thru Race Day, with no t-shirt guarantees.
Extreme Teams: $35 per person MAIL IN/EARLY BIRD registration ONLY, teams of 6 or more, wave times and t-shirt guaranteed. Please print out all registration forms and mail ONE CHECK by August 22, 2015 to: Mindy Martin, 1160 Simon Miller Rd., Portsmouth, OH 45662.
***EpiPen users, inform registration table. Allergies/Bee stings possible and we need to be prepared!
Age Groups
Age Divisions: Men & Women- 10 & under, 11-17yrs, 18-24yrs, 25-31yrs, 32-38yrs, 39-45yrs, 46-52yrs, 53-59yrs, 60yrs & up.
1st place medals for Male and Female: Best time overall
1st & 2nd & 3rd place medals for Male and Female: For the fastest finishers in each age group
1st & 2nd place medals for Extreme Teams: Top 6 finishers only in each winning team receive medals
Best Dressed medal: For the individual wearing the most creative outfit overall. One prize for the standout! Be creative and race as an “extreme hero”, or just hardcore crazy to ensure the win! We can’t wait to see your getup!
Charity Information
Proceeds from this race will be donated to the Southern Ohio War Memorial Foundation and White Gravel Mines Productions.
More Information
1st Wave begins at 9am, then every 15 minutes thereafter. Bring a flashlight/headlamp if you’d like. Additional shirts will be available on Race Day while supplies last. Photos of runners will be posted to Facebook.
Contact The Race Director
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