Super Hero 5K 2022
April 16, 2022 - 5:00 AM
Quaker Steak and Lube at the Highlands - Wheeling, WV

Start line at Quaker Steak and Lube, start out toward Cabela’s, turn up the main entrance and run through stop light and up the hill towards the Cabela’s distribution center. Turn around is just past entrance to Cabelas, then down the Walmart hill. At the bottom of the hill, turn right down towards Kohl’s entrance. Straight across the entrance to Kohls, theater, all the way to the far end by Bubbas Burgers, turn left follow road in front of Menards, around the end of the development to Once Upon a Child and then follow the stores all the way to the Target exit ramp. Up the ramp and around the bend back to the Quaker Steak parking lot for the finish line.
Entry Fees
$25 per participant early bird pricing!
Starting 3/25/2022 moves to $35
Same Day Race Entry is $40
Age Groups
Child Awards for registered 5K participants ages 5-12
13-14, 15-16, 17-19
20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70+
Awards ceremony immediately following race. Join us for a delicious meal from Quaker Steak and Lube!
Charity Information
CASA for Children, Inc. is a local, non-profit organization that trains community members to become Court Appointed Special Advocates who will speak up for the best interest of abused and neglected children in the Courts of Ohio, Marshall, Wetzel and Tyler Counties. CASA volunteers review records, research information and talk to everyone involved in a child’s life and then present their recommendation to the court as to what they feel is in the best interest of the child. Judges rely heavily on this fact-based testimony to make a more informed decision on the child’s future.
For more information:
More Information
Every child needs a hero, but abused children need Superheroes.
Sponsored by the Christian Fellowship Foundation and hosted in partnership with Quaker Steak and Lube.
We encourage teams, runners, walkers and families with strollers (dogs too) to dress up as their favorite superheroes while competing in a fun, unique opportunity to race along the Highlands Shopping Center.

Contact The Race Director
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